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Side-cut, camber and flex

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 12:42 am
by davide
I did some experiment with the skis I built, and I would be interested to know your opinion.
Thr side-cut, camber and flex together contribute to the turning performances of skis. Actually, in powder and in general soft snow conditions, the side-cut has no effect on the turning radius; only the camber and the flex (soft or stiff) have. As you can experience, the turning radius in soft snow is mainly the flex radius of the ski; it is possible to turn tighter by sliding of course. That means that very stiff skis with a lot of camber do not want to turn in powder. Very stiff skis with no camber or negative camber can still be used, but mainly at high speed. Zero camber and mid/soft flex are the best overall option for soft snow.