Festool vacuumpump

For discussions related to designing and making ski/snowboard-building equipment, such as presses, core profilers, edge benders, etc.

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Festool vacuumpump

Post by Jdline »

I’m new here, from Belgium.
(Sorry for the bad english)

I had the idea of making my own skis for some time now.

I will give it a try this year!

I think vacuum pressing is the easy way to go, but im not sure about the pump.
(Like a lot of beginners around here, so i have read in all the topics)

I have 2 festool vacuum pumps in my workshop, would it be possible to use one or mayby 2 of them to ger enough pressiour?
The vac-sys se1

I cant find the maximum power they can produce.. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Ps; i spend hours of reading and look at al the different building post, there is some nice product beiing made!!
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Re: Festool vacuumpump

Post by pmg »


you could give it a try, the maximum vacuum is enough. What might be more of a problem is the little flow the pump has: only 2.7m³ per Hour. That means that your vacuum press really needs to be airtight, a little leakage anywhere would be a problem probably as the pump isnt able to "pull" enough amount of air.

A pump that a lot of people use is the Thomas 2660, it pulls a max of 7,8m³ per Hour.

Go give it a try!
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Re: Festool vacuumpump

Post by Jdline »

Owkey, thanks.
Yeah i know it is slow.
I have 2 of them so i would use both of them on oppisit sides, that will be a bit quicker but not like the pump you just said 😅

I wil give it a few test runs befor i try it on the skis so i hope to find “all” the leaks.
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Re: Festool vacuumpump

Post by Alsepo »

hi man! I'm living in antwerpen and I'm also going for a first run on ski building

Posts: 27
Joined: Sun Jan 26, 2020 3:19 am

Re: Festool vacuumpump

Post by Jdline »

Vacuum or press?

Ik ben van Ieper.
Laat weten hoe het je bevalt!
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