Joining the forum

Yak away here, please! This category is for random discussions, comments, and anything but the topics shown above.

Moderators: Head Monkey, kelvin, bigKam, skidesmond, chrismp

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Posts: 183
Joined: Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:51 am
Location: croatia

Joining the forum

Post by mikic1 »

Hi guys, sorry for posting it here, I did not know how to go about it. I tried emailing but no reply from the admin.

I guess its really for the administrator(s)

I hear from builders quite often that they tried to join this forum, but they can not, they never get an accout created despite trying. Can this be fixed, or is the forum closed for new memebers?

Posts: 2204
Joined: Tue Mar 07, 2006 8:25 pm
Location: Kenmore, Wa USA

Post by twizzstyle »

The Admin of the forum (Kam) is a busy man. We need to have the email confirmation, otherwise we get hit with spambots and it ruins the forum. You just need to be patient with Kam.
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