treefrogs new shop is finally under way!

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Post by sammer »

It's taken a while to make any real progress on the shop.
Slowly plodding away in my spare time.
Got all my wiring finished finally, Inspector came yesterday and gave me the thumbs up to turn the power on, but realistically that day is probably a week or more away.
Might get at least one circuit going so I don't have to run the 30m cord from the front of the house every time I need electricity.
Insulation arrived today, 32 bundles of roxul. No room to even turn around in there.
Gotta get it in the walls to make room for drywall scheduled to arrive on monday.
Need to get insulation and vapour barrier inspected before the board can go up.
Wallet is once again empty!
Got my gas line buried last week but still have to find the time to do the hookups.
I'm only one guy and can't really afford to pay to have it all done for me so doing it all myself. It definitely eats up time.
Will post some progress pics when I get time to pull them off my phone.

You don't even have a legit signature, nothing to reveal who you are and what you do...

Best of luck to you. (uneva)
gav wa
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Post by gav wa »

sammer wrote:
OAC wrote:Woohoo! Great!
.....but it's so unfair to have the mountains so close.... ;)
I know it really sucks having to drive 8 mins to the skihill in the morning. ;)

Here's one from in front of my house looking at the "hill" taken last oct.
Beautiful fall morning!


Dtrain... probably started beginning of june, was where it is now end of july.
took me awhile to get pics off my phone and find the time to sit down and post.

Dude!! This is where you live??? You so don't have any excuses anymore for being grumpy.
That is god damn beautiful.
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Post by sammer »

It's been a while so thought I'd update you all on the progress so far.

When we bought the house a buddy and I salvaged a fair bit of lumber from some old buildings they were tearing down at the saw mill where he works. Mostly old fir 2x8s all about 11' long.
I needed a shed to store all the yard crap and bikes etc. So we slapped it together over a weekend.
It was in the way of the new shop build so we tried to move it with the backhoe. Ended up having to drag it about 40'. Just lost 1 rim joist which was easily replaced. The siding was coming off anyway.


Once the shop was framed and I found some time, it was time to move the shed again.
When I planned the shop I placed the door so the over hang on the shed would line up with the man door.
Dug some holes for sono tubes and poured some footings for it to sit on.
Got it jacked up and sitting on some poles my buddy picked up from the mill.
Called my excavator guy and he came by and gave it a little push one day when he was driving by.


Managed to get it pretty tight to the shop. About 3" of air space between. Just about ready to jack it back up and pull out the rollers.


Electrical installation was underway. Hand dug from the shop to the corner of the house. (gas line was in there and didn't wanna chance it with the excavator)


Then the hoe swung by and dug out the rest, All done about 85'.


Ran in my teck cable and got the OK to back fill the day before the snow fell.


2"LB where the wires go into the house. This was a pretty hard pull but luckily my neighbour saw me struggling and came over to push while I pulled from inside and we got it in.


Meanwhile inside...

Electrical rough in had passed inspection. Ran all my branch circuits up near the ceiling to keep them out of the way.


Insulation had arrived, 32 bundles of roxul mineral wool. Took up all the space I had and I still had drywall showing up in a couple days. Needed to get it into the walls ASAP.



Glad I did as I needed all the space I could find when the dyrwall showed up. All 12 and 14' sheets. Scabbed together a couple saw horse brackets so I could keep the boards off the wall.


Got vapour barrier up on the walls, didn't get any pics of it up on the ceiling, just too much for a guy to do.


Thats my update for today, gotta get back out to work on 2nd coat of mud. Will continue when I get a chance.

You don't even have a legit signature, nothing to reveal who you are and what you do...

Best of luck to you. (uneva)
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Post by gozaimaas »

gozaimaas wrote:
sammer wrote:
OAC wrote: Image
My entire country doesnt have a mountain as good as that, and you have it at the end of your street!
I cant even begin to explain how jealous I am.
I gotta move to another country!
Ha reading this old post of mine made me laugh
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Post by twizzstyle »

Your shop is looking great! My shop re-build is in the same spot as your last post - insulation in, sheet rock should start tomorrow I'm hoping.
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Post by sammer »

Kinda related to the shop so...

My sponcered rider (aka the boy) landed his first backflips on snow today.
1st one was ok, 2nd run he hit a bit of a bump on the in run and ended up launching a bit back seat and stuffed his tips, no harm no foul.
3rd was perfect, good height. perfect landing!

I know pics or it didn't happen!
Will try to get a video tomorrow.

I think I'm more stoked than he is.
It's been a long time coming, his first airbag session towards qualifying was a couple years ago when he was 9.
Last summer we did a couple days of water ramp and 4 days on the airbag so he could qualify.

For those that don't know the canadian freestyle ski assoc. (cfsa) rules state that an athlete has to perform 50 to 200 practice jumps on air bag, water ramp or trampoline before they can go through the qualification process, to actually do the trick on snow.
Then they have to have a certified coach score 5 perfect jumps in a row on a water ramp or airbag to qualify to take that trick to snow.

This applies to any inverted trick. so now he can move on to his next trick.
I'm guessing that will be corked 720s (cork sev).
he's done probably 200 of those on the tramp, so now has to do probably 50 or so on the airbag before he can qualify.

Obviously I'm pretty proud of him, no way I would have had that determination at his age.

Will try to get a vid tomorrow.

You don't even have a legit signature, nothing to reveal who you are and what you do...

Best of luck to you. (uneva)
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Post by sammer »

Forgot to add..

He's got a freestyle comp coming up next week in Jasper.
Moguls and Slopestyle
He has been working real hard to get this trick under his belt.
His plan is to 360 off the first mogul jump and back flip off the second.

I guess we'll see how that goes.
Last year he ate it hard trying to 3 off the 1st mogul jump and ended up a bloody mess. Nerves got the better of him and he tried to start his spin too early, hooking a tip on the jump and corked face first into the ground.

Will let you all know how it goes!

I've been trying to get out for a few laps with him every day since before xmas.
His skiing leaves me in the dust these days.
Got first tracks thru surprise trees a couple days ago was close to mid thigh deep on him, tight trees, I'm too old and out of shape.
He was nice enough to wait for me to catch up at least!

You don't even have a legit signature, nothing to reveal who you are and what you do...

Best of luck to you. (uneva)
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Post by twizzstyle »

That is VERY awesome Sam, congrats to your boy, you must be proud! I've got a wee one on the way (my first), so I'm looking forward to those kind of things.

I was never able to get a backflip down, and at 32 years old now I think I've given up the idea of ever figuring it out. Spins are easy.

How's the shop coming? (mine is finally complete and all my tools have been replaced/upgraded after my fire)
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Post by sammer »

Thanks Twizz.
Congrats on the new youngun!

Ya, I never even got to the spin stage and at 53 probably won't.
Even the rail park scares the crap out of me.
We had a good park with a good selection of jumps here a few years ago, and was starting to get more comfortable in the air, when a kid got hurt. When the lawyers were done no more jumps, they even frown on getting air off cattracks etc.

The freestyle club leases a couple sites on the hill so we have a pretty good air site and a proper mogul course. Not allowed to hit the jumps there unless your part of the club and registered with CFSA. Then insurance is covered by CFSA.

He didn't flip today so no vids :-(
All the kids were on their last day of a 4 day christmas camp and were pretty tired. He was working on right spins, He's got left dialed and can do them off anything from a bump in the snow to a 30 or so foot gap jump. He landed a couple rights today but most were scary off axis or flingy.
The kids have 2 days off to recover then back to the hill for regular club weekend training. Then we're off to Jasper next thursday for the comp.

I've taken over a project to get us an airbag, but the board has more than a few hoops for me to get thru to make it happen.
Right now our closest training facility is at winsport (canada olympic park) in Calgary, 3.5hrs away. We rent their bag a couple times a year, but it's not a cheap weekend.
I had a meeting with them 2 days ago and it's looking pretty promising to have one on snow for next season.
Still trying to come up with a financial plan to get a ramp for summer use, thinking that will cost us 30-50k, so still need to do quite a lot of fund raising before that happens. But If we have a bag on snow next winter I will be a happy camper!!!

Shop is coming along. Drywall is all painted, all recepticles are in except for a couple 240v. I've got 1 wired up for the grinder!
Lights are hung and I can turn them on with the switch by the door!!!
Will post up some pics when I find the time to get them off my phone and organized.

Started building a pair of all mountain twins for the boy.
145cm 120-93-114.
Cores are glued up and side walls are on.
Made a template today. Just have to find some time to machine cores, bend edges and layup.
Still working half in the basement and half in the shop as I've yet to find the time to get work benches etc moved or built.

Have a happy new year everyone!!!

You don't even have a legit signature, nothing to reveal who you are and what you do...

Best of luck to you. (uneva)
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Post by chrismp »

What you guys need is something like this:

That place is only an hour away from where I live and it's perfect to learn new tricks. With regular airbags you often can't really tell whether you'd be able to stick it on snow, but with this type of airbag it's much easier to tell. I think they have a facility like this in Japan as well, hence all those young Asians killing it at contests these days.

Happy new year!
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Post by mammuth »

Thats cool, didnt know that place. Hopefully the lawyer situation in eu gets not f.u. like in the states....
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Post by skidesmond »

Sammer that's awesome! Sounds like your son has really progressed. Out skiing the old-man already :D Happy and proud for both of you.

Back in the day when I was learning to ski, jumping was forbidden now they have schools to teach that stuff. That's cool.

Sounds expensive though, Do what I did... I planted a money tree. My daughters took dance for 20 years. Yes dance is expensive too. It took us to Germany for World Comps twice. Cha-ching! Met a lot of great people from around the world and stay in touch with a few still. We could all relate to "The Money Tree" that allowed us to travel and give our kids great opportunities. We still talk about the tree :) Plant the tree now!

Twizz Congrats to you as well. Plant the tree!

Happy New Year everybody!
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Post by sammer »

Chris, that's pretty cool.

I've been working with a company in China and have come up with a design similar to Katals landing pad.
This is pic of one quite similar recently purchased by Evolution Freestyle Club north of Edmonton.
Big thanks to their club for all the help I've gotten along the way!!!
It's 20m long, 15m wide, 3m>1.5m high.


My design will be very similar but 2 chambered so if the pressure in the bag is low for the little kids the bigger ones won't bottom out.

Just need clean up my presentation to the board, I hope!!
You don't even have a legit signature, nothing to reveal who you are and what you do...

Best of luck to you. (uneva)
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