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Section8 - More skis

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 7:34 am
by skidesmond
Two more skis from the Section8 Ski Manufacturer, i.e. my basement ;) The ski designs are the same as my last 2. Here are the specs:

Quilted Maple Veneer Top sheet -
Length - 168 cm
Dimensions - 122-70-116
Core - Ash
Triax F.G -
Epoxy - QCM
Ptex base -
Metal edges -

I finished the skis w/ 3 coats of exterior polyurethane. They are still wet in the pic below. The skis on the left are Birds Eye Maple and the ones on the left are Quilted Maple.


Quilted Maple Ski, close up of the tip shows a slight chip in the veneer :(



Birds Eye Maple Veneer Top Sheet -
length 172 cm
Dimensions - 116-72-102
Core - Ash
Triax F.G -
Epoxy - QCM
Ptex base -
Metal edges -

When I took the skis out of the press and saw the crack in the veneer I was really bummed. The first thought that came to mind was Frankenstein. Actually it was the second thought, the first thought isn't printable.


The skis have a very stiff flex. The cores are about 12mm in the middle and taper to about 3+mm. Time redesign my planer crib to make thinner cores... or perhaps run them a few more time through the planer.

The tips don't have the curve in them like I wanted. The skis could have moved or slid back in the press when I pressurized it or perhaps I didn't line them up in the proper position. For kicks I tried to re-press the Frankensteins last night and left them till morning hoping I could add more curve to the tips. Not much happened. Maybe if I had a heated press it would have worked? IDK, live and learn I guess.

I'll mount bindings on them later today and try them out tomorrow and report how they worked. I hope the low profile tips don't cause any serious performance problems.

A bit off topic but .... As you can see in the background of the pics, we don't have much snow here. All the big storms missed us in the North East unless you live around the Cape area or the coast. Our local mountain has maintained a pretty good base and has been making snow. Haven't traveled up north yet (NH or VT) but looking at the pics from their websites the coverage looks good.